Assalam O Alikum to all friends.
ALLAH who is the most beneficial and merciful on us. ALLAH is the great and one and only who make this world beautiful for us with all of the human necessaries.
Dear all, today em not here to make any demand or request, as ALLAH knows very well what we are looking for and what we wants for now & em much sure that ALLAH will gives us our things by any way same as last. I wants to share the feelings what I have now, the work out put the things which need to be done and personal thoughts.
Today, is Friday, 25th December 2009. The birth anniversary of Hazrat Isa (AS). as well as The birth anniversary of the great leader of South East Asia, the founder of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, The great Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah (RA). A holiday as usual. Many of the events are running on both occasions, speeches from the leader of the nations, attendance in churches & Mazar e Quaid etc.
I thought to make an event also here at Ashiyana Camp Waziristan, but after a detail discussion I've decided to do our work continue as we are doing here. Beside to waste our time to celebrate any occasion. This is a time to work as according to Quaid thoughts and teaching "Work, Work & Work" this is the message of our beloved Quaid.
To do work for the worse nation which still looking for Rooti, Kapra & Makkan.
To do work for those who are still are under the feudal lords.
To do work for poor.
To do work for humanity.
To do work for Islam & Muslims.
To do work to increase our economy.
To do work for the faith of Muslim.
To act according to Islam.
To act according to Quran & teaching of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW).
To do work for Victims, Innocents & humanity.
All of the above are the teaching of Quran, the thoughts of Quaid e Azam, Mohammad Ali Jinnah. The real spirit of Quaid vision. Although, this is only a vision of all Politicians, Social Organizations, Govt Institutions, Forces and all of the Pakistanis. But what is actully going to be happen.
After earthquake - 2005. there were thousands of the people who lost there homes, lives still are looking for there help. Still many of them are not into homes or on proper work.
After the war of the terrorism in which Pakistan is playing a very important role thousands of the Pakistanis who lived in NWFP (Pakhtunkhwah) displace from there native homes. Many of them are died due to different reasons, like Air strike by Drone (attacked). Somehow, by our own forces attacked "In Sawat, Malakand, Bajour & now Waziristan & Aurakzai Agency.
Another hand Baluchistan is facing also terrible problems "Many of the Balochies are looking forward to there freedom and Independence from Pakistan. Southern Punjab is also facing the same problem. Sindh is a bit safe but there's no good news from interior areas of Sindh and Punjab. What is going on with this country? what we are doing with our country? What will be happens if this country run with the same things? Nobody knows .... But true is that we are playing with this beautiful land. We are not loyal with this country. We are just working for our own faith, money, wealth and religions.
ME in my self nothing, but once at the time of earthquake I thought to do some thing from my self & still doing my level best. I did work for earth quack victims as much as I could. I am working with IDPs and the victims of war on terror since last year. I have seen many of the families without any things for themselves,
I have seen many of the dead just because of doubts.
I have seen very young children to die because of suffer and hunger.
I have meet many of the old ladies and man who missed there families, there houses just because of this war of the terror.
I have visited the villages, the cites and localities where nothing is available for now as they are totally destroyed by the bombing of Pakistanis or non Pakistanis law reinforcement agencies.
I have seen the distribution of food, clothes & money etc and very well known that how much they are transparent and sufficient.
I have seen the attitude and behavior of Pakistani politicians, that how they like and wants to do for the IDPs & victims.
I have seen the work and out put of different local & international NGO's.
How much I will tel you and describe here. I have a wish that to give full of my love, care, loyalty with these suffer people. I have a wish to live and die with these people who don't have there home, they don't know who to live & survive without food, medicines, clothes & education. I wants to give my whole life to these people who are Pakistani & Muslims. And thank ALLAH Almighty, I am on my way. without the care of any Drone attack, with out the care of any criticism, without the care of any charge sheet from law enforcement agencies, without the care of money, local condition, without the care of what people things about me and I am pleased by this honor which only make possible by the help of ALLAH.
My friends the mean to write these things or share with you only to identify my self and your self. We are muslims and many of us are proud to be muslims. We are not good enough but we can be. just only to act according to the teaching of Quran, the act like Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) to work according to Quaid e Azam vision. Nothing will be impossible for us but only need to make courage to us. to make our self confidence to be unite. To make our self loyal with the nation. TO think like a nation without any religious, social, languish depart. You guys can do many of the things by your own self by make sympathy for these suffer peoples. By collecting few things for them like, clothes, medicines, books etc.
Finally, I would like to tell you a very important, jut feel like to live in this cold weather without any shelter. without warm clothes, without proper food and medicines. just once feel like this. You can feel the pain of my heart, you can feel the pain of the IDPs & Victims of Sawat, Malakand, Bajour & Waziristan, you can feel the demand and choice for these peoples.
For sack, don't leave them alone, don't leave me alone as this will be cause to to death or to change there mind against you, against the whle nation who are just watching and watching.
Life is too difficult in these area, nobody know that we will live for tomorrow or not. If we could save our self this mean that we can save the future of our nation.
I think this is enough for now. for the check list spare some time to read full of the article which is available is in the same link.
ALLAH gives you courage and Agr for your timing and what else you are doing for your self and our self, Ameeen.
Once again, please don't forget the Quaid vision. Today sacrifice is the wealth for our good future.
Your Brother
Assalam O Alikum.
Syed Adnan Ali Naqvi
Ashiyana Camp II
Waziristan. NWFP.