Ashiyana: (fact and figures)
We have supplied more then 350 tons of food stuff with the help of Pak Army.
More than 500 peoples been medicated in Ashiyana medical team camps.
800 children’s were supplied clothes and warm sweaters, blanket etc.
Still more than 700 peoples are in queue for the further food & warm cloth supply.
More than 1500 peoples are infected with different viral infections, Typhoid, Malaria, Chest infections, and open wounds (these figures are only of those who cam Ashiyana for medical assistance, hundreds of them still in try to reach medical camps & hospitals).
• Food stuff, (Wheat, Rice, Beans, Salt, Ghee, Oil, Sugar, Tea, Basic Spices & especially Milk for the Babies and Children’s).
• Warm clothes, (Sweaters, Jackets, Caps, Blankets, Socks, Uppers, Shoes for all age groups especially b/w 2-14 years age group of both sex).
• Medicines, (as everybody knows this is season of winter and cold, if they were in there home so they can protect easily with it but in camps and different cold locations this is very difficult to maintain them self by this very cold weather. We have a huge demand of General medicines & Antibiotics for Fever, Cold, Cough, Viral infections, Malaria, Typhoid, Chest infections as well as medicines for Blood pressure, Allergies, Scabies & General disease etc).
• Books / Magazines etc, Here also a demand of The Holy Quran (In Arabic / Urdu / Farsi / Pashto). Books of Hidayat. General knowledge & Social books. (I am very much sure that these kinds of the books will help them to motivate themselves for re-making of there minds and social status).
• General / Miscellaneous, Soap, Crockery, Kitchen Stuff, Sanitary pad, Bucket, Mugs, (lots of the things are in demand by the local or most of them are looking for the different stuff around, my focus to provide basic things into first step with they will survive in this cold weather out of there homes. If anybody wants to donate some thing extra from there homes or regular usages so they are also welcome).
My dear friends, I have wrote what I wanted to let you know, many things are still hide from me, If you know about them so please share them with me. Due to the matter of security and peace I am unable to discus openly here, if any friend wants to know the current situation about inside Waziristan then please feel free to ask me. I am usually open my email once in a week as I am out of the remote area, here’s no facility of mobile, call or internet. I usually use these things when be at Peshawar to purchase the things or to meet social persons or on my bheek missions.
Friends, another thing. I am not here to be famous or to earn wealth with my team. My cause is to earn Sawab and Agr and to make my friends presence with there money and there selves.
To emailing you the reason is only to let you know about my work. Can you imagine that we are using the same stuff what we are distributing into the victims.
Still we are in our best try to hide our self from media and press the one and only reasons that we are doing work only for ALLAH not for fame or name. “O ALLAH please accepts our work and if we are late or weak then increase our power to do work for suffers humanity.”